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Shoes should be in almost new condition. We reject more shoes than anything at the sale. Please read!!!

o Seasonally appropriate shoes only.

o Shoes should be in almost new condition. Good amount of tread left on the sole. No dented toes on dress shoes. Trim is in good shape, not missing or peeling.

o Please clean shoes as good as possible. Shoes must be clean from top to sole. No dirt stains

o Be sure to laces, latch the Velcro and/or buckle all buckles. Make sure all laces are clean and are in good shape.

o Shoes need to be securely attached to one another. Tags must be securely attached.

Presentation - Shoes need to be securely attached to one another. Place in zip-lock bag or attached together using zip-ties.

Tagging - Attached tags using safety pins or tape to zip-lock bags.

Pricing -Pricing should follow the ¼ off new retail pricing rule but should not be priced more than $10.00.

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